For emergencies, first call 911. If you have thoughts of suicide, first call 988. If you are being abused, first go as soon as possible to a safe place.
*Although this prayer connection is confidential, please don’t be so specific as to legally or morally require us to report you or intervene. God knows the details, so we can still pray for you if you are less specific. If you’ve sinned, even terrible sins, Jesus willingly suffered and died to pay your death penalty, so that you can make things right with God. (You might still have to face some of the consequences of your sin.)
**General Invitation Christian Fellowship and might, at our sole discretion, be willing to offer services other than those listed on this website. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason at any time.
Please use the contact form below if you have any prayer requests, questions very important to you, or requests about our services.**
We will try our best to respond back to you within 24 hours.